What it costs to buy a villa in Goa right now?

  • Dec 13, 2021

Villas in Goa: What’s on offer

The options will blow the mind: a villa with a helipad, access to a personal jetty, beautiful international architecture, forensic analysis of the sun, wind and temperature to address heat, wind and light, customised floor plans, elevators, catering, manicured gardens, masterchefs, housekeeping, gardens, gazebos, open bars, valets, plunge pools, lap pools, masseurs, after-sales service, concierge and to top it all–a view tres spectaculaire. All this tropical bliss starting ₹5 crore going up to a whopping ₹50 crore for the fully bespoke ones.

Everyone expected the pandemic to soften the market, but in Goa, things went the other way.

“Dream villas have gone through the roof as their demand has skyrocketed, especially after COVID as many families decided to reset lives. People have realised their need for quality and calm. Homes with sea views, exclusivity in private pools and expansive gardens, lifts and the best of amenities and services are what homeowners seek,”
says Dr Joseph Britto, MD, MRCP, director, Acron Homes and Acron Hospitality. Bespoke villas are most coveted but even refurbished Goan-Portuguese bungalows are selling for a fortune.

Read full article here: https://www.cntraveller.in/story/goa-villas-cost-siolim-assagao/